Category: Animals

  • Planetary lineup: See all 5 bright planets on June 2022 mornings

    Planetary lineup: See all 5 bright planets on June 2022 mornings

    Watch for the planetary lineup beginning around June 10 Get ready. Beginning around June 10, you can see all five bright planets – the same five planets viewed by the earliest humans, millions of years ago – together in the morning sky. In their order outward from the sun, they are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter…

  • November 2021 partial lunar eclipse longest for 1,000 years

    November 2021 partial lunar eclipse longest for 1,000 years

    Partial lunar eclipse with near-perfect alignment originally printed this article, which is by Graham Jones. Reprinted here with permission. Some edits by EarthSky. Looking for eclipse times and other info? Try this article by eclipse guru Fred Espenak. The November 19, 2021, partial lunar eclipse – which is best overnight on November 18 for…

  • Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies are merging

    Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies are merging

    Milky Way and Andromeda merger has begun The Andromeda galaxy, the nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way, isn’t noticeable in our night sky, unless you look for it. Under dark skies, however, you can see it without optical aid, but only as a barely visible fuzzy patch of light. But one day, far in…

  • Western Natal Green snake fights huge Gecko

    Western Natal Green snake fights huge Gecko

    The Smooth green snake is a “small medium” North American nonvenomous snake. It gets its common name from its smooth dorsal scales. It is uniform light green on its back, with a yellow or white belly. At birth, its dorsal coloration is different than when it matures. At first, it can be olive green, blue-gray,…

  • 18-foot-long shark attempts to attack a cage human

    18-foot-long shark attempts to attack a cage human

    The great white shark, the world’s largest predatory fish, is also known as the white shark, white pointer, or simply great white. It is a species of large mackerel shark that can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. Great white sharks are known to have no natural predators other…

  • "Attacus Atlas" Those Are Enormous Moths Disguising as Snakes

    "Attacus Atlas" Those Are Enormous Moths Disguising as Snakes

    The atlas moth is one of the largest moth species in the world. Its massive wingspan is wider than a human hand. Found in tropical and forest habitats throughout Asia, the atlas moth has reddish-brown wings with triangular patterns outlined in black. This extraordinary moth also lacks the ability to eat and has an incredibly…

  • "Giant Anaconda" was found swallowing a Pig whole

    "Giant Anaconda" was found swallowing a Pig whole

    The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world, when both weight and length are considered. It can reach a length of 30 feet (9 meters) and weigh up to 550 pounds (227 kilograms). To picture how big that is, if about five ten-year-olds lie down head to foot, they’d be about the length…

  • The dasypeltis snake swallowing a large egg

    The dasypeltis snake swallowing a large egg

    Egg-eating snake, any of the five species of the genus Dasypeltis of sub-Saharan Africa and Elachistodon westermanni of northeastern India. These nonvenomous snakes comprise the subfamily Dasypeltinae, family Colubridae. The mouth is enormously distensible and the teeth are greatly reduced to accommodate a bird’s egg as large as a chicken’s. Ventral spines on the neck…

  • "Giant Anaconda" meets Caiman

    "Giant Anaconda" meets Caiman

    Massive Size Green anacondas can grow to more than 29 feet, weigh more than 550 pounds, and measure more than 12 inches in diameter. Females are significantly larger than males. Other anaconda species, all from South America and all smaller than the green anaconda, are the yellow, dark-spotted, and Bolivian varieties. On Land and in…

  • Massive "Python" spotted in Ballito

    Massive "Python" spotted in Ballito

    Pythons, pythons, pythons! If you’re an animal, it’s easy to be a top predator! All you need is sharp eyes and ears, strong arms and legs and some scary weaponry such as big teeth, claws or talons. But what if you have no arms or legs, no ears, and no claws? How do you function…